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Sivapalan, M. (2018). From engineering hydrology to earth system science: Milestones in the transformation of hydrologic science. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(3), 1665–1693. 
Added by: Christoph Külls (2021-03-14 19:30:36)   Last edited by: Christoph Külls (2021-03-14 19:31:37)
Resource type: Journal Article
Languages: en
DOI: 10.5194/hess-22-1665-2018
BibTeX citation key: Sivapalan2018
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Categories: Hydrology
Subcategories: Processes
Keywords: earth system science, engineering, hydrological science
Creators: Sivapalan
Collection: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
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Attachments   hess-22-1665-2018.pdf [6/540] URLs   https://hess.coper ... cles/22/1665/2018/
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