
This literature database offers references on articles and texts used in the water engineering master programme. 

Recent additions or edits (WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

Wong, W. W., & Clarke, L. L. (2012). A hydrogen gas-water equilibration method produces accurate and precise stable hydrogen isotope ratio measurements in nutrition studies. The Journal of Nutrition, 142(11), 2057–2062.  
12/9/24, 12:53 AM
Gibson, J. J., Eby, P., & Jaggi, A. (2024). Natural isotope fingerprinting of produced hydrogen and its potential applications to the hydrogen economy. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 66, 468–478.  
12/8/24, 6:53 PM
Zhao, G., Li, Y., Zhou, L., & Gao, H. (2022). Evaporative water loss of 1.42 million global lakes. Nature Communications, 13(1), 3686.  
11/30/24, 5:51 PM
Wood, E., Sivapalan, M., Beven, K., & Band, L. (1988). Effects of spatial variability and scale with implications to hydrologic modeling. Journal of Hydrology - J HYDROL, 102, 29–47.  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
Winslow, L. A., Zwart, J. A., Batt, R. D., Dugan, H. A., Woolway, I. R., & Corman, J. R., et al. (2016). Lakemetabolizer: An r package for estimating lake metabolism from free-water oxygen using diverse statistical models. Inland Waters, 6(4), 622–636.  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
Wheater, H., Sorooshian, S., & Sharma, K. D. (2007). Hydrological modelling in arid and semi-arid areas.  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
Wagener, T., Sivapalan, M., Troch, P. A., McGlynn, B. L., Harman, C. J., & Gupta, H. V., et al. (2010). The future of hydrology: An evolving science for a changing world. Water Resources Research, 46(5).  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
Wagener, T., Sivapalan, M., Troch, P., & Woods, R. (2007). Catchment classification and hydrologic similarity. Geography Compass, 1(4), 901–931.  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
Vuuren, S. J., van Dijk, M., & Coetzee, G. L. (2013). Status review and requirements of overhaulingflood determination methods in South Africa. Vol. 563/13. Water Research Commission.  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
Tshimanga, R. M., & Hughes, D. A. (2014). Basin-scale performance of a semidistributed rainfall-runoff model for hydrological predictions and water resources assessment of large rivers: The congo river. Water Resources Research, 50(2), 1174–1188.  
11/30/24, 12:54 PM
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