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Shveytser, V., Stoy, P. C., Butterworth, B., Wiesner, S., Skaggs, T. H., & Murphy, B., et al. (2024). Evaporation and transpiration from multiple proximal forests and wetlands. Water Resources Research, 60(1), e2022WR033757. 
Added by: Christoph Külls (2024-05-29 19:33:46)   Last edited by: Christoph Külls (2024-05-29 19:34:14)
Resource type: Journal Article
Languages: en
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR033757
BibTeX citation key: Shveytser2024
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Categories: Ecology, Hydrology
Keywords: evaporation, evapotranspiration, forest, soil, transpiration, wetland
Creators: Butterworth, Desai, El-Madany, Murphy, Shveytser, Skaggs, Stoy, Wiesner, Wutzler
Collection: Water Resources Research
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Attachments   Water Resources Research - 2024 - Shveytser - Evaporation and Transpiration From Multiple Proximal Forests and Wetlands.pdf [8/39] URLs   https://agupubs.on ... .1029/2022WR033757
Abstract Climate change is intensifying the hydrologic cycle and altering ecosystem function, including water flux to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration (ET). ET is made up of evaporation (E) via non-stomatal surfaces, and transpiration (T) through plant stomata which are impacted by global changes in different ways. E and T are difficult to measure independently at the ecosystem scale, especially across multiple sites that represent different land use and land management strategies. To address this gap in understanding, we applied flux variance similarity (FVS) to quantify how E and T differ across 13 different ecosystems measured using eddy covariance in a 10 × 10 km area from the CHEESEHEAD19 experiment in northern Wisconsin, USA. The study sites included eight forests with a large deciduous broadleaf component, three evergreen needleleaf forests, and two wetlands. Average T/ET for the study period averaged nearly 52% in forested sites and 45% in wetlands, with larger values after excluding periods following rain events when evaporation from canopy interception may be expected. A dominance analysis revealed that environmental variables explained on average 69% of the variance of half-hourly T, which decreased from summer to autumn. Deciduous and evergreen forests showed similar E trajectories over time despite differences in vegetation phenology, and vapor pressure deficit explained some 13% of the variance E in wetlands but only 5% or less in forests. Retrieval of E and T within a dense network of flux towers lends confidence that FVS is a promising approach for comparing ecosystem hydrology across multiple sites to improve our process-based understanding of ecosystem water fluxes.
e2022WR033757 2022WR033757
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