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Kovacz, Z. (1988). Regional Maximum Floods in Peaks in Southern Africa. TR No. 137,Pretoria: Department of Water Affairs. 
Added by: Christoph Külls (2021-08-11 12:01:40)   Last edited by: Christoph Külls (2021-08-11 12:13:25)
Resource type: Report/Documentation
Languages: en
BibTeX citation key: Kovacz1988
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Categories: General
Creators: Kovacz
Publisher: Department of Water Affairs (Pretoria)
Views: 39/897
Views index: 14%
Downloads index: 32%
Popularity index: 27.5%
Attachments   TR137_Kovacs_1988_Regional_maximum_flood_peaks_in_southern_Africa.pdf [5/328] URLs   https://www.dws.go ... outhern_Africa.pdf
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